ハイピリオン・ラウンジのBB-8 クーラー
(Japanese follows. / 日本語は以下へ続く。)
At Hyperion Lounge in Disney Ambassador Hotel in Tokyo Disney Resort is serving 2 kinds of Star Wars: The Force Awakens inspired non-alcoholic drinks for a limited time.
In front of the lounge, there's a showcase with the drinks and characters.
They have BB-8 Cooler and The Dark Side.
BB-8 Cooler is made with apple juice, banana syrup, passion fruit syrup, vanilla syrup, fresh lemon juice and pear sorbet.
The eye (lens?) was a blueberry and the mouth (convex part?) was a chocolate chip.
The yellow line around the head was lemon peel.
Also, there're orange slices to create BB-8 body.
The juice was slightly sour and also fruity-sweet, but I didn't really taste banana or vanilla, and I mainly tasted apple and lemon juice.
The pear sorbet was refreshing and went well with the fruity juice.
BB-8 Cooler: 1,500 JPY (tax incl.)
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