ドーワッツ キャラメル&アーモンド
(Japanese follows. / 日本語は以下へ続く。)
I tried "Dowhats Choco & Crunch" from Yamazaki, and I had another flavor "Caramel & Almond" today.
Dowhats is a mimic Cronut and recently many makers are producing Cronut-alike confectioneries and breads.
I've had the following copied Cronuts.
B's Cafe (Banderole)
Mister Donut
Circle K Sunkus (Strawberry)
Circle K Sunkus (Chocolate)
La Cornetteria
D Liche
Dowhats (Choco & Crunch)
Same shape with Dowhats Choco & Crunch, and the only difference was the toppings.
Covered with caramel flavored chocolate and chopped almond over thin croissant/pie layers.
The package shows an image which 2 sides of the Dowhats have almonds, however, it actual product didn't look like that at all and almonds were just roughly sprinkled.
Inside, there're air pockets and layers.
The texture was soft again, not crispy.
I like Caramel & Almond better than Dowhats Choco & Crunch, but again, this is not crispy at all.
<Nutrition> --- per Dowhats (no weight info available)
Calories: 527kcal
Protein: 5.6g
Fat: 39.8g
Carbohydrate: 36.5g
Natrium: 320mg
B's cafe(バンデロール系列)
La Cornetteria
D Liche
ドーワッツ (チョコ&クランチ)
形はドーワッツ チョコ&クランチと同じで、トッピングが違うだけだった。
ドーワッツ チョコ&クランチより、このキャラメル&アーモンドの方が美味しかった。
I tried toasting it but all I got is melted caramel that made it so hard to eat without getting dirty all over my face hahaha
返信削除Wow, toasting is actually a great idea but I can imagine how hard it was to eat it without making a mess!
削除Do you think taking off the top layers with caramel and toast the bottom part, then put the caramel part back right before eating???