Lunch Pack Collection:
Izumo Zenzai (recommended by Izumo Zenzai Academy)
Izumo is a name of city in Shimane prefecture and said the original place where Zenzai (sweet bean paste thick soup) was born.
Also, Izumo city is considered as the place where all the Gods assemble from all over Japan.
To show Izumo Zenzai's signature, this contains pink and white Gyuhi (Turkish delight) in Tsubu-an (graining, not puréed sweet bean paste).
I actually checked if they really used pink and white Gyuhi, and yes, there're 2 blocks of Gyuhi with each color inside.
神無月は旧暦の10月。これは全国の神様が出雲に集まる ため、「神がいない、無い」ということからつけられたと 高校時代辞書にあった気がする。
出雲は神様が集まるため、出雲においては「神有月」と呼 ばれる、なんてことも言ってたような。。。
Izumo Zenzai (recommended by Izumo Zenzai Academy)
Izumo is a name of city in Shimane prefecture and said the original place where Zenzai (sweet bean paste thick soup) was born.
Also, Izumo city is considered as the place where all the Gods assemble from all over Japan.
To show Izumo Zenzai's signature, this contains pink and white Gyuhi (Turkish delight) in Tsubu-an (graining, not puréed sweet bean paste).
I actually checked if they really used pink and white Gyuhi, and yes, there're 2 blocks of Gyuhi with each color inside.