ウィロー クリーク ミルのチーズカード バターミックス
(Japanese follows. / 日本語は以下へ続く。)
My husband bought several cheese curds and also a bag of Cheese Curd Batter Mix from Willow Creek Mill when he's in Wisconsin.
We used "Bucky Badger White Cheddar Cheese Curd."
This cheese curd wasn't that squeaky but only tough.
1. Freeze cheese curds in freezer for 4-6 hours.
2. Preheat oil to 350 degrees in Fahrenheit (177 in Celsius).
3. Beat one egg in a bowl.
4. Dip frozen cheese curds in egg and roll in the batter mix.
5. Fry for 1-2 minutes.
When I opened the bag of batter mix, I could smell pepper, lemon, onion and garlic.
These were half-frozen pieces, which were in a freezer for about 2 hours.
Rolled them in the mix.
Dropped a piece.
Frying some cheese curds.
The sizzling sound of yumminess.
Fried cheese curds.
Small pieces were completely melted and it might be because of the lack of freezing them well.
We used fully frozen pieces, but they still melted away and the cheese curds turned out like these.
Empty inside.
The crispy batter was so crunchy and made a sound like a cicada shell --- my dogs used to eat shells of cicadas so I remember the sound well.
When I used a spider to pick up fried cheese curds, melted cheese was stuck on the web, and it'd be easier to clean up by using chopsticks or fork to pick them up gently.
The batter didn't stay well and as soon as I put them into the hot oil, they started falling off from cheese curds.
I think the best way to enjoy fried cheese curds is to buy from fast food shop or farm fair.
In the ingredients list, there're lemon pepper, horseradish powder, garlic powder, onion powder and salt were listed, and no wonder why I noticed those scent except horseradish.
It didn't have any spiciness that would hurt my nose though it contains horseradish.
旦那がウィスコンシンに行った時、数種類のチーズカードと一緒にウィロー クリーク
ミルのチーズカード バターミックスを買ってきた。
* バター(batter)は衣の意味
「バッキーバッジャー ホワイトチェダーチーズカード」を使った。
1. チーズカードを4〜6時間冷凍庫に入れて凍らせる
2. 油を華氏350度(摂氏177度)に温める
3. 卵をボウルに入れ、溶きほぐす
4. 凍ったチーズカードを卵に浸け、バターミックスを付ける
5. 1〜2分揚げる