Famous Bowl From KFC
ケンタッキーのフェイマス ボウル
(Japanese follows. / 日本語は以下へ続く。)
On the way to Montreal, we stopped by at a KFC/Taco Bell restaurant, and I tried KFC's Famous Bowl, which is one of their "$5 Fill-Ups."
Loaded Potato Bowl which I had before is a limited period item, but as of December 8, 2014, they still sold it.
Famous Bowl meal set comes with a medium size drink and a chocolate chip cookie.
Famous Bowl consists of mashed potatoes, sweet corns, bite-sized pieces of crispy chicken, home-style gravy and 3 kinds of shredded cheese.
Though it's supposed to be using bite-sized crispy chicken, they used cut crispy chickens instead and I could see the white meat.
When I had Loaded Potato Bowl, they needed to put these cut crispy chickens yet they used bite-sized crispy chicken, and this time the type of chicken they had to use was wrong, too.
I guess each KFC doesn't follow the recipes from HQ and the quality and finish are inconsistency.
In any case, the chicken was juicy, hot, and crispy, and of course all white meat.
In the bowl, there're a lot of gravy sauce, corns and mixed cheese.
I never figured out exactly the kinds of cheese they use, but I think they use cheddar, mozzarella and possible American. <-- I still don't know what kind though.
Their mashed potato is always so creamy and flavorful with butter and gravy sauce.
To compare with Loaded Potato Bowl, there's no bacon, cheese sauce or green onions so that it's very plain and not punchy at all.
This branch, not like last one, all the cookies were stored in a plastic case and they took out a piece to order, and put on a tray without wrapping it in a paper bag or anything.
And this time, I got a perfectly circled cookie.
Famous Bowl: 5 dollars (before tax)
Other KFC reviews.
ケンタッキーの「5ドル フィルアップ」の1つであるフェイマス ボウルを食べた。
以前食べたローデッド ポテトボウルは 期間限定商品だけれど、2014年12月8 日現在まだ
フェイマス ボウルのセットは、Mサイズの飲み物とチョコレートチップクッキーが付く。
フェイマス ボウルにはマッシュポテト、コーン、一口サイズのクリスピーチキン、
グレービーソースと削られた3種類の チーズが乗っている。
ただ、今回のフェイマス ボウルは一口サイズのクリスピーチキンではなく、一口大に
カットされたクリスピーチキンで、 胸肉が見えていた。
以前食べたローデッド ポテトボウルにこのチキンが使われるはずなのに、この前は
とりあえずチキンは サクサクした衣にジューシーで熱々で、全て胸肉で美味しかった。
以前のローデッド ポテトボウルとは違ってベーコン、チーズソース、ネギが入っていない
てから1枚ずつ取り出され、袋などには入れずに トレーに乗せて出された。
フェイマス ボウル: 5ドル(税抜)
ローデッド ポテトボウル
I'm drooling over here!!! The mashed potatoes look so good >.<
返信削除A friend of mine loves mashed potatoes but she's never had any (as Japan doesn't sell).
削除I want KFC's mashed potatoes every day....