ペヤング チョコレートやきそば ギリ
(Japanese follows. / 日本語は以下へ続く。)
Peyoung launched chocolate flavored Yakisoba called Chocolate Yakisoba Giri on January 16, 2017.
I thought Giri (ギリ) was for Giri Choco (義理チョコ) which is given to men from women on Valentine's Day as just a present, not really showing affections as it's translated to "obligation chocolate," but apparently this Giri in Katakana name implies also Giri-giri (ギリギリ), meaning barely, thus its hidden meaning of the name is "barely Yakisoba."
The film wrap was chocolate bar pattern.
480ml of hot water is required.
1. Take off the film, peel the lid from A to B, and take out sauce and toppings.
2. Pour hot water to the inner line and put back the lid on.
3. After 3 minutes, drain hot water from C.
4. Remove the entire lid, toss the noodles with sauce and add toppings.
Directions were also written on the lid.
I peeled the lid from A to B.
I took out the toppings and sauce.
I poured boiling hot water to the inner line.
After 3 minutes, this C part was easily removed.
Drain hot water.
I've experienced that the lid came off and all the contents fell in the sink while tossing the hot water when I was making another company's Yakisoba, and ever since, I support the lid but still get nervous while daring the water.
The noodles looked and smelled the same as normal Peyoung Sauce Yakisoba, and they had some oily and salty instant noodles' scent.
A pouch of Yakisoba Sauce.
Yakisoba Sauce was sweet flavored chocolate and it didn't have any single aspect of savory sauce.
I tossed the noodles in the tray well so that they're evenly coated with the chocolate sauce.
A bag of toppings held croutons and red pieces.
The red pieces were freeze-dry strawberries, and it had sweet-sour scent when I opened the pouch.
The appearance was Yakisoba but it had sweet chocolate flavor with strawberry toppings, and even before I tried it, my brain was pretty confused by the 2 completely different sides.
The flavor was chocolate but the noodles had regular Yakisoba taste and scent, thus my head was spinning even more.
However, unlike Ippei-Chan Night Stall Yakisoba Choco Sauce, the sauce had only sweetness so that it's not that bad and I was able to eat it.
Croutons were crispy and freeze-dry strawberries were sweet and sour.
I ate only several bites in order not to feel sick later.
<Nutrition> --- per 1 package (107g)
Calories: 492kcal
Protein: 8.2g
Fat: 20.9g
Carbohydrate: 67.7g
Natrium: 490mg
Sodium Chloride Equivalent: 1.2g
Peyoung Chocolate Yakisoba Giri: 185 yen (before tax)
Another review of Peyoung.
Peyoung Sauce Yakisoba
2017年1月16日にペヤングから「チョコレートやきそば ギリ」というチョコレート味の
1. フィルムをはがして蓋をAからBまではがし、ソース、かやくを取り出す
2. 熱湯を内側の線まで入れ、蓋をする
3. 3分後にCの湯切り口からお湯を捨てる
4. 蓋を全てはがし、ソースをからめ、かやくをかける
麺は見た目も香りも通常のペヤング ソースやきそばと同じで、油っこく塩気のある
ただ、一平ちゃん 夜店の焼そば チョコソースとは違って完全に甘いソースだったので、
ペヤング チョコレートやきそば ギリ: 185円(税抜)
ペヤング ソースやきそば
I tried both this and the other new one from ippei-chan. They are not great but actually edible LOL
返信削除"Edible," right? hahaha!
削除How was the new Ippei-chan? Was it better than the previous one???
I think it's getting better, but that may be that's because I'm no longer shocked by the chocolate noodle idea. I don't remember finishing the first one hahaha
削除It's a really good point! I'm getting used to seeing unusual flavored items.
返信削除My mom stopped me eating as I looked I was in pain lol